The Town of Cape Elizabeth allows for residents to conduct open burns within town borders in accordance with Maine Forestry Department Laws & Regulations, under the authority of the Chief of the Fire Department. All permit holders must be residents of the Town of Cape Elizabeth and the landowner, or an authorized user of the land where the burn is to be conducted. Individuals must also be 18 years of age or older to be issued a permit.
Obtaining a Permit
Permits can be obtained on a daily basis depending on the weather conditions. If you have not received a permit recently, please see the rules & regulations section below for additional information prior to applying for a permit. NOTE: Some areas of Cape Elizabeth have been designated as NO burn areas. A full list of those restricted addresses maybe found below.
Residents seeking a permit should use one of the following options on the day they wish to burn:
Rules & Regulations
Permits will be issued after 9am each day, after the State of Maine Department of Conservation fire weather report and class day is issued.
Permits are only valid for the date of issue. If burning will be conducted over a period of multiple days, a permit must be obtained daily.
Permits may only be issued on a class 1 or 2 day, when the wind speed is less than 10 MPH. Permits may only be issued on the day that the burning will occur, unless the Chief of Department makes a pre-approved exception.
The use of accelerants to ignite or otherwise fuel a fire is prohibited
Permit holders must retain a physical copy of the issued permit during the process of an open burn. Electronic copies are accepted.
Only natural wood products are permissible as open burning fuel. Examples of items prohibited for burning may include, but are not limited to paper, cardboard, plastics, chemicals, rubber, tires, pressure treated /finished wood, painted wood, rubbish/garbage, demolition debris such as insulation, styrofoam, metal, sheetrock, asphalt shingles, and/or wire insulation.
If a complaint is received about an open burning site, the Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, or Fire Officer will be sent to check the site. If these personnel are not available an Engine Company will be dispatched by still alarm to the location. The officer on the engine will determine if the complaint is valid and extinguish the fire if necessary.
The burning of prohibited materials or violation of permit restrictions may result in the extinguishment of your fire, ineligibility for future permits and/or penalties under applicable state statutes or local ordinances.
Contractors must have a site inspection by the Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, or Fire Officer before any open burning permits may be issued. Contractors should notify the Public Safety Clerk who will then notify the Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, or Fire Officer of the location and he/she will make an inspection as time permits. The Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, or Officer performing the inspection will issue the permit and return a copy to the Public Safety Clerk.
Change of weather conditions
Ultimately it is the responsibility of the permit holder to exercise best judgement in the event weather conditions change. If the weather becomes hazardous for open burning permit holders should immediately extinguish the fire and reapply for a new permit on a day when conditions have improved.
Situations requiring immediate attention may result in the Chief of Department, Deputy Chief, or Fire Officer being sent to the location, and relay the instruction. The Department reserves the right to revoke permits at any time for the purpose of protecting life and property.
Prohibited Burning Areas (by street)
Abaco Drive | Alewife Cove | Arrow Point Road |
Boathouse Lane | Cedar Ledge Road | Farm Hill Road |
Geldert Lane | Glendon Road | Hermit Thrush Road |
High Bluff Road | Ivie Road | Lindenwood Road |
Long Point Lane | Longfellow Drive | Meadow Way |
Oakhurst Road | Orchard Road | Peabbles Point Lane |
Ram Light Lane | Rocky Hill Road | Rocky Knoll Road |
Rock Wall Lane | Shipwreck Cove | Stonybrook Road |
Waverly Road | Wood Road | Woodcrest Road |